Liquid glycerin laxative suppositories

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Once a medicine has been approved for marketing for a certain use, experience may show that it is also useful for other medical problems. It may also be used before eye surgery to reduce pressure in the eye.įleet Liquid Glycerin Suppositories may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.įleet Liquid Glycerin Suppositories is available only with your doctor's prescription. Fleet Liquid Glycerin Suppositories is commonly classified as a hyperosmotic laxative and maybe adminstered rectally as suppositories in single doses to promote fecal evacuation.įleet Liquid Glycerin Suppositories, when taken by mouth, is used to treat certain conditions in which there is increased eye pressure, such as glaucoma. A patient should be aware of the indications of medications used for common conditions because they can be taken over the counter in the pharmacy meaning without prescription by the Physician.įleet Liquid Glycerin Suppositories is used for fast, predictable relief of occasional constipation. Now fever, headache and body pains are the indications of paracetamol.

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For example, acetaminophen or paracetamol is used for fever by the patient, or the doctor prescribes it for a headache or body pains. An indication is a term used for the list of condition or symptom or illness for which the medicine is prescribed or used by the patient.

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